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Moving Pictures: Video and Animated Portraits – Ramin Rahimi

Solo show by Ramin Rahimi

Everything in the Universe is moving, every given spot in our planet is moving and the planet rotates around the sun and the sun rotates around Milky Way Galaxy. The molecules and atoms which make up everything are vibrating, colliding, and moving at a speed that thus far has been unreachable by inventions of human kind.
Life is a perpetual movement. The art of all arts is to capture a three dimensional contextual moment. Art is nuptials of thought and motion. Whether the motion is movement of the body of a painter while using a brush, or the three dimensional image makers‘ movement of a digital pen. Or as George Innes has observed: The true end of art is not to imitate a fixed material condition, but to represent a living emotion.

Ramin Rahimi has managed to produce motion in his art and thereby has moved away from the Fixed Image where time is suspended. He invites us to see The Sun, the perpetual movement and it’s dynamics. A call to observe the vibration of pulse of life, and simultaneously to the eloquence of silence.
In a series of digital moving-portraits and with two video pieces, he successfully transfers the constant motion of life and the rhythms of nature; the rise and the setting of sun and the return to the inception point.