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Ecliptic Lunacy – Elika Hedayat

Solo show by Elika Hedayat

Elika Hedayat addresses aspects of exploitation, indifference, injustice and degradation of public life. She pictures the subaltern citizens and the essential duplicity necessary for their existence, duplicity that is evident in relationship of deceiver and deceived. The “chain” of bodies in her work makes it impossible to recognize who is or is not a victim.
The characters are determined to be noticed, they insist to be seen. The self satisfied populace with their absolute perseverance to Exist. Her work is decidedly disturbing and at the same time they are portrayals of parts of society, ranging from ridiculous to parody. Incomplete or mutilated bodies, bodies without locations. They stand without a beginning or end and evidently with no direction.
Elika Hedayat, with precision and unapologetically invites us to reflect on the hypocrisy and chaos that governs the streets of Tehran. These are snap shots of parts of our society, reminding us of the vulgarity, exhibitionism and under lying tensions of Petit powers.
It is an art that can be understood in the disorder of the reality that it is portraying. But it also shows us that as long as our progressive artists are willing to push the limits, by the mere fact of their existence they are the denial of the darkness. And there lies the strength of Iranian art and promise of a far better future.

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